SNMCMG1 2009- SNMCMG1 Deployment<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>This deployment started in July 2009 and lasted till November 2009 and we were part of the NATO MCM Group 1 (MCM stands for Mine Counter Measures). During this deployment we exercised with NATO countries and the group consisted of several minehunters and a minesweeper. Nationalities represented were Belgium, Estonia, Canada, UK, Norway and the Netherlands. We completed a couple of exercises near the North American coast.</strong></p> Work-up & Plymouth, UK<p><strong>text</strong></p> Vigo, Spain<p><strong>text</strong></p> The Azores<p><strong>text</strong></p> Halifax, Canada<p><strong>text</strong></p> New York, USA<p><strong>text</strong></p> Norfolk, USA<p><strong>text</strong></p> Washington, USA<p><strong>text</strong></p> Charleston, USA<p><strong>text</strong></p> Bermuda<p><strong>text</strong></p> La Coruna, Spain<p><strong>text</strong></p>